The research technician is responsible for conducting experimental procedures on animals under the supervision and guidance of the P.I.. The primary concern of the technician is to be competent in the planned techniques to prevent injury or discomfort to the animals. If the individual is inexperienced - assistance must be obtained. New procedures by an inexperienced operator should be learned under the supervision of the P.I., a senior research technician or a member of the veterinary staff. Consider learning the technique first on a cadaver or on an anesthetized animal from another project that will be euthanatized prior to recovery from anesthesia.
The research technician is in frequent contact with the animals and should be constantly concerned about the animal's comfort and safety. For example, during surgery it is imperative that the animal be adequately anesthetized at all times and the technician should anticipate a need for additional anesthetic agent before the animal becomes responsive. Research technicians should ask the veterinarian for advice concerning the management of anesthesia and post-operative care for new projects.