All monkeys, apes, prosimians and humans belong to the Order Primates which is divided into two Suborders - Prosimii (prosimians) and Anthropoidea (monkeys and higher primates).  The Prosimians are found predominantly, but not exclusively, in Madagascar.

Examples of Prosimians include the Tree Shrew and the Greater Bushbaby.  

Anthropoidea are divided into two groups from a morphological and geographical standpoint - New World and Old World monkeys. Examples of New World include the owl monkey, squirrel monkey and marmosets. Examples of Old World monkeys include baboons, gibbons and chimpanzees.

The significant differences between these groups are nose widths, Vitamin D requirements, tail dexterity, opposable thumbs and the presence of ischial pads, cheek pouches and colonic sigmoid flexures.


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